PostHeaderIcon Last-Minute Stargazing Tonight – West Seattle

I declare it is time for another last-minute star party in West Seattle. This will be my second event as one of NASA’s Solar System Ambassadors.

  • Tonight, Saturday, March 6, 2010
  • Start: 9pm – I may leave around 10 or 10:30 unless no one shows up.
  • Solstice Park as usual (at the TOP, if you’re by the tennis courts go up)

As always, this is if the weather is permitting. If you can see stars I’ll be there (unless it gets really super freezing cold).

Telescopes – Mars first, Saturn later?

I’ll bring a couple telescopes, you should bring one if you have one. We’ll look at Mars definitely, and maybe Saturn if it comes up over the trees in time.

Unfortunately, we’ll miss seeing the international Space Station, but if you wanted to step out of your house earier, you can see it around 7:47pm, starting West-Southwest.

Date Mag Starts Max. altitude Ends
Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az.
6 Mar -3.1 19:47:37 10 WSW 19:50:30 62 NNW 19:50:32 62 NNW

GLOBE at Night

This would be a perfect opportunity to get your GLOBE at Night observations in. Wait, you don’t know about GLOBE at Night? Well check this out – you can help out on a worldwide science project to determine how stargazing quality is changing around the world. Plus, I’ll be around to help out if you need it (but I don’t think you will). The Lat/Long of Solstice Park is (47.536341, -122.39052).

See you tonight!

~ A l i c e !

Date Mag Starts Max. altitude Ends
Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az.
6 Mar -1.9 18:13:03 10 SSW 18:15:27 24 SE 18:17:52 10 E
6 Mar -3.1 19:47:37 10 WSW 19:50:30 62 NNW 19:50:32 62 NNW

One Response to “Last-Minute Stargazing Tonight – West Seattle”

  • alicesastroinfo says:

    We’ll do an equinox sunset viewing, same place, starting around 6:50pm on Saturday March 20th.

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